there's no need to pick what you want, as you can have it all. It can combine healing items with damage-dealing items with utility items with.

One hard rule is that players can only hold one 'active' item - things which give abilities and bonuses when activated, and which usually need to recharge - but this will let folks power up Void with the abilities of every active item they find. To explain a little to non-Isaacfolk, Void offers a way around one of Isaac's limitations. "Void will also destroy all pickups in the room as well and turn them into a small army of locust (blue flies)." "On use Void destroys all items in the room, if an item is a usable item Void now gains that items ability when used (this stacks), if the item is a non usable item it gives the player a random stat bonus." "Apollyon is the destroyer so I felt it most appropriate that his item convey destruction as well as his army of locusts," co-creator Edmund McMillen said in a blog post overnight, finally revealing more after a lot of teasing. His name's Apollyon (or Abaddon, as you might better know him) and, as the destroyer and king of the locusts, his starting item will be the mighty Void.
The second expansion to The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, Afterbirth †, will add a new character with the power to receive powerful bonuses for destroying items. Receiving unwanted items is always a bummer in a roguelikelike where every drop counts, so I'm glad to hear that my favourite roguelikelike is getting a powerful new solution to that.